About Us

Founded in 1958, the first president of the organization was Charles L. Rounsaville. A google search turns up that he was also the president of an organization now known as DallasHR. It seems fitting that our club was first lead by a Human Resources professional who would have valued social connection and relating to others through shared positive experiences.

The true value of the Kermis Club is that it creates through elegant dinner dances a platform for building and strengthening social connection. Our members enjoy being at a nice dance event; but, they value creating and nurturing long lived friendships.

The club has held elegant dinner dances in a number of venues over the years, including in most of the more prominent country clubs. This years events will all be held at The Northwood Club. This fine club provides excellent meals, great services and plenty of room. At our events, members have been entertained by many of Dallas’ best ballroom dance bands. Dallas legends such a Dave Tanner, Vicho Vicencio, Judy Moore, Linda Petty and Jack Melick have played at multiple events. Check our Events page to see the information on this year’s events.

All of the 2024 – 2025 events will be held at the Northwood Club.

6524 Alpha Rd, Dallas, TX 75240.

My wife and I joined the club somewhere back in the mid 1990’s and have probably missed fewer than five dances in all that time. We stayed involved through many life changes simply because the social connections provided a sense of stability in a world that changed so quickly. The dinner dances provide a welcome relief from the many stresses we face and allow us to enjoy the company of people who do life well.

Tim Clifford, webmaster